Asters can be propagated by dividing, taking cuttings, or growing from seed


  1. Dig up the aster plant in early spring after the ground thawsĀ 
  2. Use a sharp spade to divide the clump into 2ā€“3 new plantsĀ 
  3. Ensure each new plant has healthy roots and stemsĀ 
  4. Replant the new plants immediately in a sunny locationĀ 
  5. Water well and feed with a phosphorus-rich fertilizerĀ 

Taking cuttingsĀ 

  1. In late spring, take 2ā€“4 inch cuttings from the stems of the plant
  2. Remove the lower leaves
  3. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone powder
  4. Insert the cutting into a pot of moist potting soil
  5. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag
  6. Place the pot in a bright area out of direct sun
  7. Water when dry and re-pot into individual containers when the cuttings start to grow
  8. Plant the young plants in spring

Growing from seedĀ 

  1. Harvest the seeds from the seed capsules after the asters have flowered
  2. Sow the seeds indoors on a windowsill in spring
  3. Alternatively, sow the seeds directly outdoors in mid-May