Barberry can be propagated by taking stem cuttings or growing from seed. Stem cuttings are the preferred method. 

Stem cuttings

Take cuttings: In spring or early summer, take a 6-inch cutting from a healthy branch that has flowered. Cut just below a leaf node. 

    Prepare the cutting: Remove leaves and buds from the bottom half of the cutting. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone. 

    Plant the cutting: Put the cutting in a pot with a sterile rooting medium, like coarse sand. 

    Water and cover: Add water and cover the pot with a plastic bag. Mist the cutting occasionally. 

    Test for roots: After a few weeks, gently tug on a leaf to see if it resists. If it does, the cutting has rooted. 

    Transfer to a larger pot: When the cutting has a good root system, move it to a larger pot with potting soil. 

    Plant outside: In fall, plant the new barberry shrub in your garden. 

    Growing from seed

    Barberry can also be grown from seed, but the resulting plants may not be identical to the parent plant. Seeds also require a period of cold stratification.