Bleeding heart can be propagated by division, stem cuttings, or seeds


  1. Dig up the plant in early spring or fall
  2. Use a sharp shovel or knife to cut the plant into sections with stems and roots
  3. Replant each section in loose soil or a container

Stem cuttings 

  1. Take a 3–5 inch cutting from a healthy plant
  2. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the stem
  3. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone
  4. Insert the cutting into a pot with potting mix
  5. Cover the pot with plastic wrap
  6. Place in indirect light and keep the soil moist
  7. Remove the plastic when new growth appears


  1. Lightly moisten a potting mixture with peat and vermiculite
  2. Plant the seeds halfway into the soil
  3. Cover with soil
  4. For indoor seeds, place the pots in a freezer for up to six weeks
  5. Place the pots in a warm location to germinate

Bleeding heart plants grow best in USDA zones 3–9. They prefer rich, well-draining soil in partial shade.