Camellias can be propagated by seed, grafting, air layering, or cuttings. The fastest method is taking cuttings, which produce identical plants in less time than growing from seed.
Cuttings: In early spring, take a cutting from a branch with new growth. Cut the branch between the main branch and the first leaf node. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only the two at the end of the stem. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone powder. Prepare a potting medium of equal parts potting soil or compost and perlite or coarse silica sand. Push the cutting into the medium two to three inches deep. Place the cutting in a container that’s four to six inches deep. Mist the cutting often, but don’t keep it wet.
Other methods
Air layering: Wound a limb on a large, mature tree to stimulate root growth.
Grafting: Graft cuttings onto camellia rootstock.
Seeds: Collect seeds in late August through October. Keep them dry in an envelope until spring, then plant them in a potting mix.