Echinops, also known as globe thistle, can be propagated by seed or division

By seed 

  1. Collect seeds from fully pollinated flowers in autumn
  2. Sow seeds in a seed-raising mix or soil starter pellets
  3. Cover seeds lightly with soil
  4. Keep soil moist but not wet
  5. Transplant seedlings to the garden when they have their first true leaves

By division 

  1. Dig up the plant in spring or autumn when it’s at least three years old
  2. Cut the taproot lengthwise, separating the plant into multiple sections
  3. Plant each section in a new location at the same depth as the original plant
  4. Water thoroughly

Additional tipsĀ 

  • You can also propagate echinops by taking root cuttings in late winter
  • Echinops prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade
  • Echinops can self-seed freely
  • Echinops can be harvested fresh or dried