Goldenrod can be propagated by division or by seed


When to divide: Divide in the spring before new growth starts, or in the fall. 

Prepare the plant: Water the plant a few days before to hydrate the roots. 

Dig up the plant: Use a shovel to dig around the root ball and lift the clump out of the ground. 

Separate the clump: Use a sharp knife or spade to cut the clump into smaller sections, each with a few growth tips. 

Replant: Place each section back into the ground at the same depth as the original plant. 

Water and maintain: Water well and continue to water until new growth appears. 

Seed propagation

Prepare the seeds: Sow seeds indoors in small pots or flats filled with potting mix. 

Provide light and warmth: Place the pots in a warm location with full sun or a grow lamp, and keep the temperature between 80–86°F. 

Water and maintain: Mist the seeds daily to keep them moist, but not soggy. 

Thin seedlings: Once the seedlings have a few sets of true leaves, thin them to two plants per pot. 

Harden off: Place the seedlings outdoors in a protected location for a short time, gradually increasing their exposure to sunlight, wind, and cold temperatures. 

Transplant: Transplant the seedlings outdoors after the last spring frost, 12–18 inches apart.