Hostas are typically propagated by division, which is the easiest and most affordable method. You can also propagate hostas by collecting seeds or using tissue culture. 


Determine if the hosta needs to be divided: Look for a bare area in the center of the clump. 

Dig up the hosta: Use a spade, shovel, or knife to dig up the hosta. 

Wash the roots: Remove excess soil so you can see where to cut. 

Cut the clump: Cut the clump into sections with one or more buds and roots. You can cut it into thirds or fourths. 

Replant the divisions: Pot each division in a mixture of compost and fine grit. Water well and place the pots in a sheltered area. 

Seed collection 

  1. Clip the seed pods: Gently clip the seed pods from the stalk.
  2. Store the seed pods: Place the pods in a single layer in an open area to dry.
  3. Harvest the seeds: After a few weeks, the pods will burst open and reveal tiny black seeds. Gently scrape the seeds out of the pods.

Tissue culture 

  1. Grow the plants in petri dishes of agar in a lab.
  2. When the plantlets have roots, transfer them to plug trays.
  3. Pot the plantlets into small pots.