Ice plants can be propagated by division or by taking stem cuttings


  1. Dig up a mature ice plant in the spring.
  2. Moisten the soil to help the roots slide out.
  3. Use a sharp spade to divide the plant in half at the roots.
  4. Replant each half in a suitable growing site at the same depth as the original plant.
  5. Gently pat down the soil and lightly moisten it.

Stem cuttings

Take a stem cutting from an ice plant during the growing season. 

Trim the cutting just below a leaf node.  Pinch out the top of the cutting.  Remove the leaves on the side of the stem.  Plunge the cutting into a gritty compost mix.  Water the cutting in well.  Place the cutting in an area with good humidity. You can use a temporary humidity dome or tray to help keep it from drying out. 

Ice plants are native to South Africa and are heat-loving perennials that can be grown as ground cover or houseplants.