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There is a page named "Cladrastis kentukea" on this wiki
- 0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Cladrastis kentukea author name string: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz Wikimedia username:...(4,830 × 3,220 (2.04 MB)) - 06:36, 26 May 2024
- Cladrastis kentukea I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons...(480 × 640 (41 KB)) - 18:00, 18 March 2024
- 0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Cladrastis kentukea author name string: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz Wikimedia username:...(4,000 × 6,000 (9.51 MB)) - 06:36, 26 May 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea Strączyn żółty 2021-10-02 01.jpg Polski: Strączyn żółty (Cladrastis kentukea), okaz uprawiany w Ogrodzie Botanicznym Uniwersytetu...(3,802 × 2,852 (3.13 MB)) - 06:34, 26 May 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea Strączyn żółty 2017-10-15 03.jpg Polski: Strączyn żółty (Cladrastis kentukea, syn. Cladrastis lutea) w jesiennej szacie...(3,456 × 4,608 (3.17 MB)) - 06:35, 26 May 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea Strączyn żółty 2017-10-15 02.jpg Polski: Strączyn żółty (Cladrastis kentukea, syn. Cladrastis lutea) w jesiennej szacie...(4,608 × 3,456 (3.46 MB)) - 20:07, 25 December 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea Strączyn żółty 2017-10-15 01.jpg Polski: Strączyn żółty (Cladrastis kentukea, syn. Cladrastis lutea) w jesiennej szacie...(4,608 × 3,456 (3.43 MB)) - 06:35, 26 May 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea Strączyn żółty 2017-10-15 04.jpg Polski: Strączyn żółty (Cladrastis kentukea, syn. Cladrastis lutea) w jesiennej szacie...(4,608 × 3,456 (3.54 MB)) - 06:35, 26 May 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea 12zz.jpg English: Location taken: North Carolina Arboretum, Asheville, NC. Names: Cladrastis kentukea (Dum.Cours.)Rudd...(1,728 × 1,152 (1.63 MB)) - 18:00, 18 March 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea 13zz.jpg English: Location taken: North Carolina Arboretum, Asheville, NC. Names: Cladrastis kentukea (Dum.Cours.)Rudd...(1,152 × 1,728 (1.72 MB)) - 18:00, 18 March 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea 9zz.jpg English: Location taken: The Botanical Gardens at Asheville, Asheville N.C.. Names: Cladrastis kentukea (Dum.Cours...(3,504 × 2,336 (6.32 MB)) - 18:00, 18 March 2024
- DescriptionPL - Dukla - palace park - Cladrastis kentukea - Kroton 001.JPG English: Palace park in Dukla, American Yellowwood Polski: Park pałacowy w...(2,432 × 3,648 (4.18 MB)) - 06:34, 26 May 2024
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea Yellowwood turning yellow in fall.jpg Cladrastis kentukea (Yellowwood) leaves turning yellow in fall. Photographed at Westonbirt...(2,136 × 2,848 (1.14 MB)) - 18:00, 18 March 2024
- DescriptionWeener - Hessepark - Hessepark + Cladrastis kentukea 06 ies.jpg Deutsch: Cladrastis kentukea im Hessepark in Weener Date 18 October 2017, 13:38:59 (according...(5,616 × 3,744 (23.92 MB)) - 15:31, 9 September 2020
- DescriptionCladrastis kentukea 7zz.jpg English: Location taken: The United States National Arboretum, Washington DC. Names: Cladrastis kentukea (Dum.Cours...(1,000 × 667 (159 KB)) - 06:32, 26 May 2024
- DescriptionWeener - Hessepark - Hessepark + Cladrastis kentukea 04 ies.jpg Deutsch: Cladrastis kentukea im Hessepark in Weener Date 18 October 2017, 13:38:14 (according...(5,616 × 3,744 (27.17 MB)) - 15:31, 9 September 2020
- truetrue English Close-up of the flowers of Pink-flowered Yellowwood - Cladrastis kentukea 'Perkin's Pink' author name string: Francis Groeters Wikimedia username:...(2,448 × 3,264 (2.97 MB)) - 06:29, 26 May 2024
- Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Pink-flowered Yellowwood - Cladrastis kentukea 'Perkin's Pink' author name string: Francis Groeters Wikimedia username:...(2,448 × 3,264 (3.84 MB)) - 06:29, 26 May 2024
- DescriptionWeener - Hessepark - Hessepark + Cladrastis kentukea 02 ies.jpg Deutsch: Cladrastis kentukea im Hessepark in Weener Date 18 October 2017, 13:37:26 (according...(5,616 × 3,744 (30.98 MB)) - 15:32, 9 September 2020
- DescriptionWeener - Hessepark - Hessepark + Cladrastis kentukea 03 ies.jpg Deutsch: Cladrastis kentukea im Hessepark in Weener Date 18 October 2017, 13:37:56 (according...(5,616 × 3,743 (26.88 MB)) - 15:32, 9 September 2020
Cladrastis kentukea, the Kentucky yellowwood or American yellowwood (syn. C. lutea, C. tinctoria), is a species of Cladrastis native to the Southeastern United States, with a restricted range from western North Carolina west to eastern Oklahoma, and from southern Missouri and Indiana south to central Alabama. The tree is sometimes also called Virgilia.[3]

Cladrastis kentukea is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree typically growing 10–15 metres (33–49 ft) tall, exceptionally to 27 metres (89 ft) tall, with a broad, rounded crown and smooth gray bark. The leaves are compound pinnate, 20–30 cm long, with 5-11 (mostly 7-9) alternately arranged leaflets; each leaflet broad ovate with an acute apex; 6–13 cm long and 3–7 cm broad, with an entire margin and a thinly to densely hairy underside. In the fall, the leaves turn a mix of yellow, gold, and orange.[citation needed]
The flowers are fragrant, white, produced in Wisteria-like racemes 15–30 cm long. Flowering is in early summer (June in its native region), and is variable from year to year, with heavy flowering every second or third year. The fruit is a pod 5–8 cm long, containing 2-6 seeds.[citation needed]
- Bark: Smooth gray, or light brown. Branchlets at first downy, but soon become smooth, light yellowish green; later red brown, finally dark brown.
- Wood: Yellow to pale brown; heavy, hard, close-grained and strong. Sp. gr., 0.6278; weight of cu. ft., 39.12 lbs.
- Winter buds: Four in a group, making a tiny cone and enclosed in the hollow base of the petiole.
- Leaves: Alternate, pinnately compound, eight to twelve inches long, main stem stout, enlarged at base. Leaflets seven to eleven, broadly oval, three to four inches long. Wedge-shaped at base, entire, acute, terminal leaflets rhomboid-ovate. Feather-veined, midrib and primary veins prominent, grooved above, light yellow beneath. They come out the bud pale green, downy; when full grown are dark green above, pale beneath. In autumn they turn a bright clear yellow.
- Flowers: June. Perfect, papilionaceous, white, borne in drooping terminal panicles twelve to fourteen inches long, five to six inches broad, slightly fragrant.
- Calyx: Campanulate, five-lobed, enlarged on the upper side.
- Corolla: Papilionaceous; standard broad, white, marked on the inner surface with a pale yellow blotch; wings oblong; keel petals free.
- Stamens: Ten, free; filaments thread-like.
- Pistil: Ovary superior, linear, bright red, hairy, bearing a long incurved style.
- Fruit: Legume, smooth, linear-compressed, tipped with the remnants of the styles. Seeds four to six, dark brown.[3]
One of the rarest trees of eastern North America.[4] Found principally on the limestone cliffs of Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina, but it is hardy at the north to zone 4.[citation needed]
The largest specimen known is at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati, Ohio, 22 m tall and 2.2 m trunk diameter; the tallest known is a slender tree 27 m tall but only 0.55 m trunk diameter, at Plott Cove Research Natural Area, Georgia (Spongberg & Ma 1997; Eastern Native Trees Society).
Plants from Alabama have the leaves more densely hairy underneath than those from further north, and are distinguished as Cladrastis kentukea f. tomentosa (Steyermark) Spongberg.[citation needed]
Cladrastis kentukea is widely grown as an ornamental tree for its attractive flowers, and is locally naturalized in many areas of the eastern United States outside of its restricted native range.[3] It thrives in full sunlight and in well-drained soil, tolerates high pH soils as well as acid situations. The Yellowwood can withstand urban settings and is attractive to birds. A number of cultivars have been selected, including 'Perkin's Pink' (syn. 'Rosea', an invalid name) with pink flowers.[citation needed]
Kentucky yellowwood is recommended as one of the best medium-sized trees for cultivation as an ornamental plant in gardens. The only quality that is mentioned is a tendency of the trunk to divide very near the ground, as a multi-trunked tree.[3]

The name yellowwood derives from its yellow heartwood, used in small amounts for specialist furniture, gunstocks and decorative woodturning.[citation needed]
This plant has been marked as a pollinator plant, supporting and attracting bees and butterflies.[5]
Yellowwood won a Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Gold Award in 1994.[6]
The Society of Municipal Arborists selected the yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea or C. lutea) as its Urban Tree of the Year for 2015.[citation needed]
- Andrews, S. Trees of the Year: Cladrastis and Maakia. Int. Dendrol. Soc. Year Book 1996: 12–26.
- Spongberg, S. A. & Ma, J.-S. (1997). Cladrastis (Leguminosae subfamily Faboideae tribe Sophoreae): a historic and taxonomic overview. Int. Dendrol. Soc. Year Book 1996: 27–35.
- ^ IUCN SSC Global Tree Specialist Group & Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) (2020). "Cladrastis kentukea". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T153739999A181463533. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-3.RLTS.T153739999A181463533.en. Retrieved 11 October 2022.
- ^ "The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species". Retrieved 27 March 2015.
- ^ a b c d Keeler, Harriet L. (1900). Our Native Trees and How to Identify Them. New York: Charles ScribNer's Sons. pp. 116–118.
- ^ Chen, Kevin (December 19, 2017). "Yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea) | University of Minnesota Urban Forestry and Research: The UFOR Nursery & Lab". Retrieved 2023-05-09.
- ^ "Planting Guides" (PDF). Retrieved 2022-01-29.
- ^ "Yellowwood Tree Profile". UK Department of Horticulture. Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Retrieved 11 June 2019.