Lamium, also known as deadnettle, can be propagated by division, cuttings, or layering. Lamium plants spread by creeping stems that take root and form new plants. 


  1. Dig up the entire plant
  2. Divide the plant into sections using a knife
  3. Replant the sections in a suitable location
  4. Water well


  1. Select a healthy stem that is not flowering
  2. Remove the lower leaves
  3. Make a clean, angled cut just below a leaf node
  4. Allow the cut end to callous over for a day or two
  5. Push the cut end of the stem into a pot filled with moist potting soil
  6. Water well
  7. Transplant the rooted cutting into its new home


  1. Locate where the runners have rooted themselves into the ground
  2. Cut the runner off with pruning shears
  3. Plant it in another spot
  4. Water it


  • Ensure your soil mix is well-draining
  • Provide airflow to prevent fungal foes like gray mold
  • Remove affected areas and consider a fungicide