Lupines can be propagated by seed or by taking cuttings from the base of the plant

Propagating by seed

Scarify seeds: Make the seeds ready to sprout by scarifying them. 

Plant seeds: Sow the seeds in well-draining soil. You can scatter them on the ground in late fall or early winter, or sow them in soil blocks. 

Provide insulation: Cover the seeds with snow to insulate them from the cold. 

Check for germination: Check the seeds daily after a few days to see if they have germinated. 

Transplant: Transplant the seedlings with care, once they have a couple of true leaves. 

Propagating by cuttings

Take cuttings: In spring, take cuttings from the shoots at the base of the plant. 

Plant cuttings: Plant the cuttings in well-draining soil. 


Lupines are deep-rooted and don’t spread much, except through re-seeding. 

Lupins grown from seed may flower in a mix of colors, as they don’t come true to type.  To encourage self-sowing, avoid deadheading and pruning.  Deadheading can encourage side shoots to grow and produce more flowers.