Oriental lilies can be propagated by dividing the plant, harvesting offsets, or scaling the bulb

Dividing the plant

  1. Dig around the base of the plant in early fall when it’s dormant 

Remove excess dirt and gently pull the plant apart at the roots  Make sure each new clump has a few leaves and roots  Plant the new clumps and water well 

Harvesting offsets 

  1. In early spring or fall, dig around the main bulb to expose the offsets
  2. Gently detach the offsets without damaging their roots
  3. Replant the offsets

Scaling the bulb

  1. Remove a few scales from the main bulb 

Place the scales in a bag with moist peat moss or vermiculite  Put the bag in a dark place at room temperature for about three months  Tiny bulbs should form on the scales  Plant the bulblets in a pot of soil and water well