To propagate a painted daisy, the most common method is by division, which is best done in early spring when the plant is just starting to grow; simply dig up the plant clump, carefully separate it into smaller sections with healthy roots, and replant each division in a new location.
Key points about propagating painted daisies:
When to divide: Early spring is the ideal time to divide painted daisies.
Process: Dig up the entire plant clump, use a sharp knife or spade to cut it into sections ensuring each division has multiple growing points and a good root system.
Re-potting: Plant the divided sections immediately in the desired location and water well.
Other propagation methods (less common):
Stem cuttings: You can also try taking stem cuttings in spring, but success rates may vary.
Seeds: While possible, growing painted daisies from seed can be less reliable and may take longer.