Penstemon plants can be propagated by division, cuttings, or seed.
- Dig up a mature penstemon in early spring.
- Cut the root system apart so that each division has some roots.
- Plant the divisions in the garden or in containers.
- Take cuttings from late summer to early autumn.Ā
Use sharp secateurs to cut the stem just below a leaf joint. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only the two at the tip. Insert the cuttings into compost in a pot. Water well and keep the cuttings in a humid environment. Place the cuttings in a sheltered spot in the garden or a cold frame. When the roots are well developed, transplant the new plants into a soil mix.
- Start plants from seed.
- The progeny may not be identical to the parent plant.
Other tipsĀ
- Use clean materials to avoid disease.
- Keep each species separate because they root at different rates.
- Provide warmth, light, and some air movement.
- Keep the cuttings from wilting.