Propagating Pink Muhly Grass

A stunning stand of pink muhly grass transforms any landscape into a captivating display through effective propagation. These plants can be easily propagated either by collecting seeds or by division. To maintain an attractive appearance and appropriate spacing, it is advisable to divide pink muhly grass every few years. Failure to do so may result in the plant continuing to spread, creating dead zones in the center of the clump.

To propagate by division, follow these steps:

Using a shovel or spade, carefully dig around the perimeter of an individual plant, ensuring that you dig deep enough to liberate the entire root ball.

Divide the plant into two or three equal sections, depending on the size of the root ball. Keep in mind that ornamental grasses typically possess very dense, fibrous root systems. It may require a sharp tool or even a chainsaw to effectively separate the root system. Exercise caution and wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

Replant one of the divisions back into the original hole. The remaining sections can be transplanted to other locations or shared with friends for their gardens.