Portulaca, also known as moss rose, can be propagated by taking cuttings or sowing seeds


Take a cutting: Using clean, sharp shears or pruners, cut a section of the plant that is a few inches long. 

    Remove leaves and blooms: Remove any spent blooms or buds, and the leaves from the bottom half of the stem. 

    Dip in rooting hormone: Dip the cut end of the stem into rooting hormone. 

    Plant the cutting: Place the cutting in a pot or garden bed filled with moist, well-draining soil. 

    Water: Water enough to keep the soil moist but not soggy. 

    Wait for roots: Roots should appear within a few weeks. 

    Water regularly: Once new growth appears, water regularly. 


    Collect seeds: Collect seeds from the pods that form where the flower buds were.

    Sow the seeds: Follow the steps for sowing seeds.

      Portulaca is easy to propagate and can be done during the summer when the plant is being pruned.